Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Selecting the correct step down

Transformers can be found in just about every type of electrical appliance. They simply "step down" the voltage that is applied to them. Many types are available so it can be confusing to select the correct one. In this guide I will explain how to select a transformer of correct rating for your appliance. These transformers operate at 240v which is lethal. Many vendors on ebay sell transformers that are ready to use out of the box. If you are unsure, contact the seller and enquire if there is any wiring required. If so it will be a simple job for your local electrician.If you purchase electrical equipment from overseas you may require a step down transformer. A step down transformer will for example convert 240v to 110v (Australian, to Japanese), or 240v to 12v. Every transformer has a rating, which is its safe operational level. If you exceed this level the transfomer will overheat and may blow a fuse or worse start a fire. Transfomers will always heat up to some extent while running... this is normal. To select the correct transformer you first need to know what your load is. A load can be measured in watts or VA, which is Volt Amps. Gernerally VA and watts are the same thing because Watts = Volts x Amps or VA. All mains powered equipment will have a sticker on it usually near the power cable showing its load rating. So we need to select a transformer with a rating slightly higher.We want our transformer rating to be higher than our load rating. This will ensure a happy transformer.

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