Tuesday, October 20, 2009

buying a tutu

Tutus come in many styles pancake, bell ,romantic- generally for a childs dance eisteddfodd a pancake is fashionable at the moment. They generally look as flat as the horizon when standing. In Australia young dancers wear lycra bodices- for ease of fit - either matt or shiny or lycra velvet. The more expensive are non stretch lined with coutil seamed heavily and boned. These tutus fit like a second skin- you would need to unpick and fit for your child if buying one of these sight unseen. the closure system should be large hook and eye not zipper for these boned tutus- zippers break easily and generally are considered poor. The nets of a tutu differ greatly from country to country- in Australia they are heavy stiff net cut into increasing widths applied to cotton and inserted- cheaper tutus have the net sewn onto the lycra. Net has a use by date and older nets will sag- check the age of the tutu. The quality of the net is also important the net is tacked together round by round to give that flat look in aust. The width of the skirt is important you should ask how long is the tutu skirt. The child should not look swamped and when standing with arms curved the edge of the skirt to meet the finger tips. I have noticed the english tutus are very short compared to ours and not tacked .
Decoration really depends on the music and when your child starts learning a new classical your teacher will guide you to what colour- generally young children wear pastels -so save the blacks and red to the teens- some adjudicators are offended by dark tutus on littlies. Generally best quality diamontes /crystals are the most stage dramatic on stage. Presequinned trim is very cost effective for busy decorators however there is some snobbery about using sequins on tutus I am happy to use them in moderation. The older tutus have butt ruffles- most these days do not but thats a fashion thing. Some tutus have a hoop inserted a well made tutu should not really need one. The best indicater of a tutu is to ask for a photo on a person -you can then see any drooping- and the fit- decoration can always be added later- the sit of the skirt and bodice are most important. The headpiece should be linked in colour to the tutu- if you get to know a group of ballet mums you can create a headpiece pool to lend out to each other- this is cost effective.Inside bodice measurements and stretched lycra measurements would also be good to know. For a child to dance in a tutu on stage is an amazing sight- and be prepared for the tears.!!

Orignal From: buying a tutu

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