Saturday, October 31, 2009

A Guide To Goth And Custom

This is ebays answer to Goth searching. Some people would find it very hard to believe how many people of alternative lifestyles search ebay and pour through the massive amounts of items and sellers. Sometimes you get lucky sometimes you dont. This guide is to hopefully get you lucky.
Now sometimes i find it very hard to find quality gothic looking items in the styles and sizes i want but who doesnt? I have become a pro at finding what i want at the price i want it. Never settle on your first search check again use new key words and always check shops (if a seller has an item which is border line for you, check their other items and shops youll be suprised what youll find).
The best search words i have found to get good results for goth and rockabilly searches are Goth, Gothic (not the same thing, items with gothic in the title will not show up when you search "goth") Rockabilly, Phycobilly, Punk, Medievil, Cyber, Rave, Corset (Although you might not want this exact item it will let you into a world of fantastic goth shops, that might not have shown up otherwise).
Think by association things like Black, Leather, PVC and Fetish all are associated with things Goths and Punks but simply are listed by what they are not by what they are associated with. You want something imparticular search it! eg. (ladies clothing finder) Black, Shirt, Size 14 thats all you need ebay will show you everything that comes up within that and you might find exactly what your looking for! Just cause you think you are goth, punk or other wise does not mean you only need to stick to these words.
Now if you have found what you are looking for in a shop or other items, but you think its not your size or is the wrong colour take this into consideration.
A lot of the goth and associated items are MADE and DESIGNED by people who choose to sell on ebay so ask questions! To Find these things search things like "Custom" and

Orignal From: A Guide To Goth And Custom

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