Friday, September 9, 2011

Lingerie-Care Dos

Naughty and Nice Lingerie
Hello fellow okayers,
Now that you have spent enough money to purchase some lovely lingerie from such reputable sellers as Naughty and Nice Lingerie, :), now you would like it to last and get the most out of it. Let me help you take care of your lingerie by giving some helpful and easy tips. Follow these special-care tips for your most delicate items. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. As always, I hope to see you shopping at my lingerie okay store,Naughty and Nice Lingerie. Thanks again and have a great day!

Lingerie-Care Dos and Dont's
Whether you invest in expensive lingerie from La Perla, or take a more practical route, your undergarments need special care. Here are some tips on how to keep them looking and fitting beautifully:
Preparing your lingerie for cleaning:

Attach hooks to eyes to avoid tangling

Zip Zippers

Button buttons on special items and tie ribbons and drawstrings

Make sure you are washingwith otherlike colors

Never use bleach on your lingerie

Dos and Dont's

DO hand wash. Use cold water and a gentle detergent, such as Woolite, which will preserve the material and shape of your undergarments.

Do use the Brababy. If you must hand wash you bras, use a protection system, such as the Brababy! Available within my store! Click here for more information and the auction featuring the Brababy!

DON'T wring out lingerie. Instead, soak items in a sink with cold water and detergent, gently sqeeze suds through items, and rinse with more cold water. Then blot items with a towel and lie flat to dry.

DO use a lingerie bag if you must machine wash. Be sure to set the water temperature to cold, use a gentle detergent, and clasp all hooks so pieces don't get tangled. Naughty and Nice has two great mesh lingerie bags for you to choose from.

DON'T put lingerie in the dryer. Even on the lowest setting, dryer heat will break down the elasticity of your items, shortening their life span considerably. Instead, lie flat or hang to dry out of the sunlight.
You should wash your lingerie separate from the rest of your clothing. Other advice is to rotate your bras. Bras do not need to be washed after every wear. This being said, you should avoid wearing them two days in a row. The bra will require a day of rest after wearing, to return to its original fit and to breathe. Wearing one bra constantly puts a lot of stress on the fabric and causes it to rapidly stretch out of shape and to lose its fit. Replace your bras every six months. Most bras get worn out and do not function as they should after this time period.

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